TPS Staff  



Fiona Hawes
Position: Principal
Cathy Ediker
Position: Deputy Principal
Robyn Caley
Position: Assistant Principal


Junior Team: New Entrant, Year 1 and 2

Mrs Smith
Position: Team Leader
Mrs Wilkins
Position: Year 2 Lead Teacher
Mrs Arnesen
Position: -
Mrs Murray
Position: -
Mrs Taylor
Position: -
Mrs Elliott
Position: -
Mrs Brown
Position: -
Mrs Hyett
Position: -
Mrs Parker
Position: -


Middle Team: Years 3 and 4

Miss Perfect
Position: Team Leader
Mrs Goodhue
Position: -
Mrs Savage
Position: -
Mr Jugum
Position: -
Mrs Morrice
Position: -
Miss Thorne
Position: -


Senior Team: Years 5 and 6

Mrs Howard
Position: Team Leader
Mr Medley
Position: -
Mr Mahler
Position: -
Mrs Beattie
Position: -
Mrs Speirs
Position: -


Other Teaching Staff

Mrs Thurlow
Position: ORS teacher
Whaea Kylie
Position: Te Ao Māori and release teacher
Mrs Catley
Position: Release Teacher & SENCO support
Whaea Cat
Position: Release Teacher
Miss Gillingham
Position: Learning Support, Class Release Teacher (middle team)



Susan ONeill
Position: Business Manager
Josie Third
Position: Office Receptionist
Barbara Turley
Position: Enrolment Officer
Position: ICT support services


Sport Coordinator

Jo Taele
Position: Sport Coordinator


ESOL Tutors

Gemma Giffard
Position: ESOL Tutor
Email: -
Deanne Lawrence
Position: -
Email: -


Teacher Aides

Abbey Leen
Position: -
Email: -
Colleen Hextall
Position: -
Email: -
Rachel Brosnan
Position: -
Email: -
Kimberley Tipper
Position: -
Email: -
Kylee Martin
Position: -
Email: -
Carlin Hayward
Position: -
Email: -
Jess Watt
Position: -
Email: -
Rachelle Lang
Position: -
Email: -
Tracey Ackerley
Position: -
Email: -
Tyla Grafas
Position: -
Email: -


Caretaker and Grounds

Jake Veza
Position: -
Email: -


Staff Photo BoardTauranga-Primary-Staff-Final-V1.jpg

Board of Trustees


Tauranga Primary School’s Board of Trustees is elected for a three year term. The BOT comprises of five parent representatives, the Principal, and a representative of the staff. Meetings are scheduled for the third and eighth Tuesday of each term, and they are held in the staff-room. Parents who wish to attend any of the meetings, are asked to inform the board chair or principal at least 24 hours beforehand so that we can prepare a welcome pack for you. 




Board of Trustees
Sam Hartnett
Position: Mana whenua
Euan Rutherford
Position: Deputy Chair - Property
Lauren Stull
Position: Chairperson - policies
Brad Garner
Position: Parent Representative - Finance
Holly Hawkins
Position: Co-opted parent representative - FOTS
Fiona Hawes
Position: Principal
Dave Medley
Position: Staff Representative


Important documents:


Audited Accounts


Annual Implementation Plan


Strategic Plan 2024-26

Friends of the School (FoTS)



The Friends of the School (FoTS) is a group of parents who are an integral part of the Tauranga Primary School community. The FoTS are responsible for fundraising and FUN-raising (such as the disco and family picnic) activities within our school community.

The FoTS meet at 6.30pm on Tuesday evenings in weeks 2 and 7 each term. At each meeting, current and future activities are planned and discussed.

A senior staff member, along with a representative from the Board of Trustees, bring a report to each meeting. This is an important opportunity for information sharing and for parents to ask questions about specific aspects of school life. The FoTS are keen to have as many parents involved as possible so that they can continue to build on the partnership between families and school.

Tauranga Primary School Policies

To view our  school policies:

Click Here and log in using the username tauranga and the password belltower.


To review a school policy:

  1. Click Here and log in using the username tauranga and the password belltower.
  2. Look for the red print and click on 'currently under review'. This is situated in the middle of the page.

  3. Select a policy and read it. You only need to review the grey printing at the top of the page as the supporting documentation will be reviewed at a later date. (If you choose to you may read the supporting documentation by clicking on the red print).

  4. Click on the Review Policy button (top right of page, bold black print).

  5. Log in by choosing your category in the drop down menu; either Parent, Staff Member or Board Member.

  6. Write your name (optional).

  7. Complete the response form.

For families without Internet access a review form can be collected from the office.
Thank you for taking the time to respond, your participation is appreciated.

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Together, we are learning to go places Akongia Tātou ngā haere ki wāhi kē