
Online Enrolment


To complete an online enrolment form please click here


Enter your personal email address
Follow the instructions on this site

Please note ETAP is our school's online student management system. Information you record on this website is safe and security protected for your privacy. Tauranga Primary School is the only organisation that can access this information.

Alternatively,  you can download an enrolment form:

TPS Enrolment Form


Once you have completed the enrolment form, please return it to the Tauranga Primary School office.

TPS Whānau Information Booklet


Cohort Entry Policy


Cohort entry applies to 5 year olds (New Entrant enrolments) only. There are eight starting dates for 5 year olds during the year.  Students can start school on a cohort entry date after their fifth birthday.
Please note that it is a legal requirement that a child is enrolled at a school from age 6. Therefore, if not already enrolled, a child can start school on their 6th birthday regardless of a school’s cohort entry policy but must start school no later than their 6th birthday.

2025 cohort entry dates:

Term 1                                                                  Term 2 

Cohort 1 entry date: 3rd February                        Cohort 1 entry date: 298h April

Cohort 2  entry date: 10th March                         Cohort 2 entry date: 3rd June


Term 3                                                                  Term 4

Cohort 1 entry date: 14th July                              Cohort 1 entry date: 6th October

Cohort 2 entry date: 18th August                         Cohort 2 entry date: 10th November




Out of Zone Applications


Our school operates an enrolment scheme and, if your residential address is outside our school zone your application will be treated as an out-of-zone application.

Once we have received a completed enrolment form you will be placed on our waiting list for consideration in the next advertised ballot. We ask that you inform us if you no longer wish to stay on the waiting list (for example if you enrol your child/ren at another school or move away from the area).

Information about the ballot process can be found at the Ministry of Education website link

Should you have any other queries at this stage or wish to make an appointment to visit our school, please email us at office@tauranga.school.nz  or call our Enrolment Officer on 07 578 6222.


Our ballot dates for 2025 are:

  • Term 1 additional ballot,  if required, 16 January 2025
  • Term 2  enrolments, ballot on13th February 
  • Term 3  enrolments, ballot on 8th May 
  • Term 4  2024 enrolments, ballot on 24th July 
  • Term 1 2026 enrolments, ballot on 16th October 2025

School Zone


Our school operates an enrolment scheme (school zone). This scheme helps to protect our school from overcrowding. If you live within the school zone, then your children are guaranteed a place at TPS. Out-of-zone applications for enrolment are considered through a ballot system, and are subject to available places in suitable classes. To enrol or find out more information please contact the school 07 578 6222 or email our enrolment officer office@tauranga.school.nz

TPS Enrolment Scheme



A stationery fee is paid annually, this covers all of your child's basic stationery requirements for the entire school year.  All stationery is accessed directly in the classroom by the teacher and students.  No need to name, organise or cover books, it is all taken care of by the school.  Year 3 to 6  students are asked to provide their own small pencil case if possible, but this is not compulsory.

You will be emailed a stationery invoice at the beginning of the year or upon your enrolment if you start at TPS during the school year.

The stationery charge is payable through the School Shop or directly at the school office. Please use the following links to access School Shop:
School Shop - registered users
School Shop - new users


Stationery  costs can also be paid directly to the school:

Tauranga Primary School Board - (12-3440-0009600-00)

Please reference your child (SURNAME, first initials, stationery











Our school uniform can be purchased at the school office. The school is the only supplier of TPS monogrammed uniform items.

Uniform Prices




Together, we are learning to go places Akongia Tātou ngā haere ki wāhi kē